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- 10 rem ** colour match **
- 20 rem ** by d.butcher **
- 30 printchr$(142)chr$(8)
- 40 poke53280,2:poke53281,2:gosub450
- 50 dimcm(16,16,3),c$(16),i$(16),b$(16)
- 60 d=d+1:x=0:forc=0to15:readc$(c),i$(c),cm(16,c,d),b$(c):next
- 70 forc=0to15:forp=0to15:ifp=cthenr$="0":goto180
- 80 b=val(b$(p)):poke53280,c:poke53281,c:x=x+1
- 90 print"[147]"tab(9)chr$(b)"combination number "x""
- 100 l1=len(c$(p)):l2=len(c$(c)):l=l1+l2
- 110 printtab(18-l/2)c$(p)" on "c$(c)
- 120 printtab(12)"please enter mark"
- 130 printtab(16)"good - 3"
- 140 printtab(16)"fair - 2"
- 150 printtab(16)"poor - 1"
- 160 getr$:ifr$=""then160
- 170 ifval(r$)<1orval(r$)>3then90
- 180 r=val(r$):ifr<0orr>3then90
- 190 ifr=3thencm(c,p,d)=3:goto220
- 200 ifr=2thencm(c,p,d)=2:goto220
- 210 ifr=1thencm(c,p,d)=1
- 220 nextp,c:poke53280,2:poke53281,2
- 230 print"[147]"tab(3)"[158]do you wish to see marks (y/n) ? ";
- 240 gosub430:ifr$="n"then300
- 250 forx=0to15:printtab(8)i$(x)" ";:next:print
- 260 forc=0to15:printc$(c)"[145]"
- 270 forp=0to15:printtab(7)cm(c,p,d)"[157]";
- 280 next:print:next:print
- 290 ifd=2then330
- 300 printtab(2)"run again for black + white (y/n) ? ";
- 310 gosub430:ifr$="n"then330
- 320 restore:goto60
- 330 print"do you wish to see total marks (y/n) ? ";
- 340 gosub430:ifr$="n"then400
- 350 print"[147]"tab(14)"total marks":forx=0to15:printtab(8)i$(x)" ";:next:print
- 360 forc=0to15:printc$(c)"[145]"
- 370 forp=0to15:cm(c,p,3)=cm(c,p,1)+cm(c,p,2)
- 380 printtab(7)cm(c,p,3)"[157]";
- 390 next:print:next
- 400 printtab(11)"run again (y/n) ? ";
- 410 gosub430:ifr$="n"thenprintchr$(9):end
- 420 run
- 430 getr$:ifr$<>"y"andr$<>"n"then430
- 440 printr$:print:return
- 450 print"[147][158]"tab(14)"colour match"
- 460 printtab(14)"[197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197]"
- 470 print"although the c64 offers a wide selection"
- 480 print"of colours, not every combination of two"
- 490 print"provides a good match. pairings that are"
- 500 print"good for graphics use aren't necessarily"
- 510 print"suitable for displaying text. this is"
- 520 print"especially noticeable when monochromatic"
- 530 print"monitors are used. this program can help"
- 540 print"in the selection of colours when writing"
- 550 print"basic programs."
- 560 gosub690
- 570 print"every combination of two colours will be"
- 580 print"displayed. you'll be told which colours"
- 590 print"are being used, and asked to give a mark"
- 600 print"for each combination. when every pairing"
- 610 print"has been shown, you can either run again"
- 620 print"for black & white, (remember to adjust"
- 630 print"your set), or see the marks displayed on"
- 640 print"a grid. the colours won't change until"
- 650 print"you have entered a mark within the range"
- 660 print"specified."
- 670 gosub710
- 680 return
- 690 y$=""
- 700 y$=y$+"press return to continue"
- 710 printy$
- 720 getan$:ifan$<>chr$(13)then720
- 730 print"[147]":return
- 740 datablack,b,0,144,white,w,1,5,red,r,2,28,cyan,c,3,159
- 750 datapurple,p,4,156,green,g,5,30,blue,b,6,31
- 760 datayellow,y,7,158,orange,o,8,129,brown,b,9,149
- 770 datalt.red,r,10,150,gray1,g,11,151,gray2,g,12,152
- 780 datalt.grn.,g,13,153,lt.blue,b,14,154,gray3,g,15,155